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Our hvv Plus PartnerMOIA

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Galerie MOIA 1
Galerie MOIA 2
Galerie MOIA 3

The coupon code for 4 euros can be redeemed via the hvv switch App. Just copy the coupon code shown and enter it in the hvv switch App under menu item “Coupons”. Please remember that you must have registered a valid means of payment in the App. You can find all you need to know here.

If the price of the journey you have booked exceeds the value of the coupon because it takes longer, the difference will be settled via the mans of payment you have registered in the hvv switch App.

If you haven’t registered a means of payment in the App, you can do it now under the menu item „Your profile -> “Means of payment “ in the App.

If a credit balance is not used, it expires and cannot be used for further rides.

No, the credit balance is only for you personally and is not transferable.

You can download the hvv switch App free of charge in the App Store (iOS) and the Play Store (Android).

MOIA, the ride pooling service for tomorrow’s mobility. In MOIA rides, up to six people who want to go in the same direction share one vehicle.That cuts down on the number of cars on the roads.

Our vehicles also travel locally with zero emissions, so that you not only get where you want to go in comfort with your booking, you are also helping the environment. How to do it is as stress-free as the ride itself: book via the App, get on near where you are and pay as well in the hvv switch App – and of course you know beforehand how much it will cost. With this modern and sustainable approach, MOIA is a super partner for hvv Plus.

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